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PHP is a local, community-based leader in providing cost-efficient and innovative healthcare solutions. Our mission and vision are carried out by providing you exceptional customer service, wellness initiatives, and reliable resources.

Our Mission: Who We Are

PHP will exceed our customers’ healthcare experience expectations by: delivering our services with a personal touch, developing long-term, meaningful relationships, and providing resources to improve the quality of life in our communities.

Our Values: What is Important to Us

  • Excellence – We provide quality service and expertise to surpass expectations.
  • Integrity – We conduct ourselves honestly and ethically.
  • Teamwork – We collaborate to develop effective solutions.
  • Innovation – We meet the changing needs of our customers.
  • Community – We are actively involved and supportive of the communities we serve.

Our Vision: Why We Exist

PHP will be the local, community-based leader in providing cost-efficient and innovative healthcare solutions.

  • We are uniquely positioned as the only physician-directed, not-for-profit healthcare insurance/administrative services company in Indiana.
  • Our governance enables the local physician community to make decisions on policy and protocols for appropriate, patient-focused, cost-efficient medical care and access.
  • Local communities are our beneficiaries through increased funding of low-income medical delivery vehicles, increased wellness education, and lowering of premiums and administrative fees for employers and individuals in our region.
  • We are an effective intermediary as both an insurance plan and an administrative services company. PHP communicates between hospitals, physicians, pharmacies, and other medical services to maintain a cost-efficient, patient-centered financing mechanism for employers and individuals.
  • Our interest is Indiana where we serve communities as both a resource and a partner. Our focus is on what is best for the communities in which we ourselves work, live, and play.
Is Self-Funded for Me?

Groups of 25 or more are eligible to pursue self-funded plans as opposed to traditional group health plans. With self-funded plans, you can cut out the middleman and likely save money because of it.

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Find Your Plan

Ready to find the insurance plan that best fits your business' needs? Let us get to know you with a few quick questions and a PHP Sales Representative will help you find the perfect plan.

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